If you have experienced a situation at work that you think is illegal, you may be wondering if there is anything might make your particular employment law case stronger or weaker. While it’s unlikely that one factor will determine if you win or lose, there are a few...
Internet giant Amazon requires warehouse workers to go through a security check at the end of their shift to prevent stealing. But workers, who are not paid as they wait in line, say they have been denied wages and that Amazon is the one doing the stealing. Now the...
What do you need to know about employment law arbitration? You have a grievance against your employer. You’ve been through all the proper employment law channels and you’re working with an employment attorney to make sure your case is air-tight. You’ve even begun the...
It’s one of the basic truths of bankruptcy: It’s almost impossible to discharge student loans in bankruptcy. Everyone knows this, so almost no one ever tries to do it. But like most “truths,” this one has many levels and might not actually be as true as it once was....
In a case that he would probably like to disappear, stage magician David Copperfield is being sued because his workers were denied overtime pay. The entertainer, who is worth around $800 million, allegedly denied overtime pay to his stagehands working at his Las Vegas...