People file bankruptcy for a plethora of reasons, however, one of the top reasons people file for bankruptcy is due to a drastic change in their employment or lack thereof. Being unemployed can make paying your debts quite difficult, but does it make filing for...
The decision to file for bankruptcy and the preceding financial trouble can cause many issues on your emotional and physical well being. For some the financial turmoil can lead to marital trouble and even divorce. Should you find yourself in a situation where you...
Many small business owners find themselves between a rock and a hard place when trying to perform their duty to accommodate employees with physical disabilities. Trying to follow the letter of the various laws surrounding the issue and navigating the how-to’s while...
When you file for bankruptcy you are essentially requesting that the Court system clear or discharge your current debts. During the bankruptcy process you will inform the Court of all of your debts as well as all your income and assets. Should you omit income or...
California voters passed Prop 64 and made the recreational use of marijuana legal in California. As a California employer this may be a point of concern for you. You may have apprehensions about how you maintain a safe and drug free workplace now that marijuana is...