Is your home in danger of foreclosure? If so, there may be options for avoiding foreclosure available that you’re not aware of, like hiring a foreclosure attorney! A new report called “The Definitive Guide on How To Stop Repossession of Your Home” offers advice and resources to those threatened with or going through the process of foreclosure. In many cases, foreclosures happen simply because the homeowner doesn’t know how the system works or how to access services they need. Using the information in this report, avoiding foreclosure may be possible, along with hiring a foreclosure attorney.
You’re Not Alone
Even though on a national level the number of foreclosures has been falling, there are still a large number of homeowners who are in danger of losing their property. According to recent foreclosure statistics more than 350,000 homes are currently in the closing process for repossession. That’s almost a thousand homes a day! If you’re in this situation, this guide along with consulting a foreclosure attorney may have some advice to help you avoid becoming another statistic.
Specifically, the report breaks down the response to pressure from housing creditors into three categories: fight, flight or negotiation. Rather than merely giving in to the demands of the mortgage company, or battling them every step of the way, you may be able to negotiate with a company to forestall the foreclosure process until a more permanent solution can be found. If you feel like you can’t do it, a foreclosure attorney may be able to help.
Avoiding Foreclosure: What You Can Do
Some of the negotiation tactics offered in the report include requesting a forbearance on the loan, making a claim or modifying the loan. The report also suggests using a housing counselor or foreclosure attorney, who will not only help with the foreclosure process, but will be able to offer assistance with getting your finances in order as a more long-term solution. You may also be eligible for a grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)—which gave out more than $40 million last year to those in need.
Of course, the report also covers more traditional ways of dealing with the issues, including bankruptcy and fighting the foreclosure in court. There are also ways, if losing your home is the only option, to minimize the impact on your credit report.
Avoiding Foreclosure: What We Can Do
Ultimately, every situation is different and not every solution will help everyone, but the report offers a good overview of some of the actions you can take. If your home is in risk of foreclosure and you are considering bankruptcy, or if you believe you are the victim of wrongful foreclosure, contact our foreclosure attorneys for a free consultation here.